Sunday, April 18, 2010

Outing is Over..

The outing is over, but the photos are not ready yet. Lots of laughters and happy moments...

The event start around 3pm, where we were supposed to gather at the bowling center for a mini tournament among ourselves. Unfortunately, we the girls arrived a little late (two late because got home agendas, while me and Wawa was busy make-up ourselves-LOLZ)

When we arrived, the boys have finished a round, and continued with a round of pool game. After a little this and that, hihihaha, we continued for another round of bowling, this time two groups formed of four. The winning team gets to decide the place to eat later. It was fun although my team didn't win the round, but we get to eat to the place we want (Hartz Chicken) as the some members can't take seafood if we go for steamboat.

Next agenda was food... Before that, we stopped by at The Spring to see if there's any interesting movie to watch later. So sad... None was within our schedule.. All late movies and we don't wanna pass our curfew.

From the Spring, we convoyed to Hartz Chicken at Sarawak Plaza. I can't wait to stuff my empty stomach. It was already 745pm, no wonder I was so hungry... I took small portion of each dishes served on the counter. All you can eat.. Thats why I'm taking little portions, try all then choose the best taste for the next round. I got myself candied yam, sumtin2 chicken, macaroni, potato chips, some roasted chicken, and some colorful gravy for everything on the plate. All look yummy to me...

Second round was from the salad bar, with fruits and some ice-cream. I'm stuffed till I wanna barf. (>.<) There's also pics of the food.. (I'm still waiting for my softcopy from my friend).

After the food event, we went for slow walk along the Kuching Waterfront. People was lazing at the cafe along the waterfront. Took some pics again, then went home. When I got back, it was already 11 pm.. It was tiring, but fun as long as I'm surrounded bestest buddies... (>.<)

Thanks guys for making the day the best outing with bowling ever for me. HEHE...


ciK LyndaWawa said...

nama i jugak u sebut ooo....hehehe

annamandamangan said...

of cos.. heheh... gne mok pomot blog i tok? x da org lawat pun... hmm mcm mok tukar nama ja. sbb guna nama kmk agak formal..