Sunday, March 28, 2010

Another Lost

Today someone just told me that I've been a good friend. He told me he will never bother again, nor try to contact me anymore. He said thank you and left me.

He walked a few steps, stopped and returned. He told me why we will never meet again.

"I remembered 21 January (or was it February). I came to tell Batman that he has been a bad friend. How he failed to be around when I needed him. I told him that he is my enemy. "

"That particular week, on the weekend, I started to go to church. My mom doesn't like it though (~sigh~). She scolded me for going to church. I told her that I went to pray."

"Back to my story. When I was at the church, I heard the priest told the people to love one another. To love your enemy. Why do you love your neighbor whom you are good to? Try to love your enemy, and you'll feel what Jesus had gone through during His time of agony."

" The priest said this when I've just claim my friend is my enemy."

"From then on, I've decided to love Batman, just like other people. I gave him a second chance, hoping that he will treat me more like a friend. He treated me differently in some ways. I told myself that I will not sustain until 1 month. So i gave it a shot to see how long I can sustain. Unfortunately, I manage to hold things for 36 days.

I'll continue again tomorrow....


ciK LyndaWawa said...

er.....sabar banyak2..boh nangis amanda eh...